Author: Theresa Weir
Series: Cool Cats
Number in series: 2
Page Number: 162 pages
Date published: 20 December 2013
Publisher: Belfry Press
Buy on: Amazon, Amazon UK
Rating: 5 stars!
"Shy music geek Emerson Foshay breaks into a cold sweat and is rendered speechless whenever Lola Brown, the girl of his dreams, steps into his guitar shop. But once a stray cat named Sam follows him home, everything changes and Emerson becomes the coolest guy in town. Setting: Minneapolis, Minnesota Cast of main characters: Emerson Foshay, shy music geek Lola Brown, Melody's (Girl With the Cat Tattoo) sister Sam the cat, Max's (Girl With the Cat Tattoo) brother"
Since this is a short one, I'm gonna keep it short (I'm also trying to learn to control the length of my reviews so yay me :P)This is the story of geeks Emerson and Lola and one special cat named Sam. And, IMO, it is one of the sweetest love stories I had the
pleasure to read [and I do plan to read more books by Teresa Weir.
First of all, the writing is quite simple but still I found it held some magic. It was so easy to imagine everything, almost like a movie.
The sense of humor, and the love for cats and music only made this more vivid and cute.
Besides, a love story between to geeks…need I really say more? Yes? Well how about shy geeks?
It was just so cute, and gentle, and it's no wonder they say geeks make the best husbands. And Sam's voice (the cat) was just so funny and scarcastic and cat like I kept laughing. He really added spice to this whole story…is he up for adoption?!
I can only say, READ IT! [if you love cats that is…]
a review copy was kindly provided by the publisher through NetGalley. Thank you
This book is such a short sweet read, with one of the cutest love stories ever (Lola and Emerson are both so dorky and geeky it's just sweet)
This review is also on GoodReads, LeafMarks, BookLikes
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