Release Date: November 27th 2012
Publisher: Omnific Publishing
Series: Cocktail
Pages: 384
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Rating: 4 stars
The first night after Caroline moves into her fantastic new San Francisco apartment, she realizes she's gaining an intimate knowledge of her new neighbor's nocturnal adventures. Thanks to paper-thin walls and the guy's athletic prowess, she can hear not just his bed banging against the wall but the ecstatic response of what seems (as loud night after loud night goes by) like an endless parade of women. And since Caroline is currently on a self-imposed dating hiatus, and her neighbor is clearly lethally attractive to women, she finds her fantasies keep her awake even longer than the noise. So when the wallbanging threatens to literally bounce her out of bed, Caroline, clad in sexual frustration and a pink baby-doll nightie, confronts Simon Parker, her heard-but-never-seen neighbor. The tension between them is as thick as the walls are thin, and the results just as mixed. Suddenly, Caroline is finding she may have discovered a whole new definition of neighborly...
In a delicious mix of silly and steamy, Alice Clayton dishes out a hot and hilarious tale of exasperation at first sight...
My Thoughts:
This book is hilarious...the most extremely amazingly funny book ever. Every sentence was packed with funny lines and sarcasm and a lot of innuendos that ad me laughing my ass off.
It all starts with Caroline a twenty something successful interior designer and her anguish over her long lost O -as in Orgasm. Caroline, is not your usual character. She is driven, focused, sweet and serious, with a great sense of humor. She moves into her new apartment, arranges all her clothes and things and when she is completely satisfied with the deco of her apartment she goes to bed. And she wakes up a few hours later to the sounds of meowing and a bed banging on the wall. That goes for some time and we get to know the meow, the spanx and giggles, oh and of course all mighty of them all Mr. Wallbanger himself.
Meet Mr. Wallbanger or Simon, a promiscuous guy, promising nights of lust and incredible sex but with a sweet personality that no one saw coming. He is sweet and caring and although initially he gives a bad boy vibe, he is anything but. He is a photographer that travels and a lot and he values his work but he is a down to earth guy.
Caroline and Simon as neighbors built a relationship both sweet and lusty, sometime around the ride dinners, movies, sleep overs and nooking jump in along the way and tha made the entire ''friendship'' a lot more enjoyable that from what we are used to. The author did a really good job with the writing and the development of the characters but I felt that something was missing. I did not cry over them in anguish, to get together or move their relationship to the next level. And a book like that should actually have that something.
That aside, it was a really enjoyable book, with protagonists that came to be, a plot that had a purpose and a great sense of humor. Just, a small note: Wallbanger,although it revolves around sex it hardly contains any, so it is not your usual NA or Erotica story and for that only I suggest you read it.
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